Finding the FlapJack Theorem
J “Want some syrup for that?”

A “Please; did I ever tell you how I came to discover the FlapJack Theorem?”

J. “I don’t think so”

Zoey “I know”

Ava “I know”

A “Shussh !”

D “OK Ari, tell the tale”

A  “It was a night just about like this”

A “The Harvest Moon was so big, it looked like you could reach out and grab it”

J “Super Harvest Moon out there!”

A “I looked at those crazy FlapJacks, and then I looked up at that lucky old moon”

Zoey “J, more pasta please”


D “Yes, and..”

A “That’s it; that’s how I discovered the theorem”

J “Hmmmm”

Zoey “Pass the cheese, please”

D “J, think I’ll order some of those heavenly FlapJacks”

Cranberry and blueberry flapjacks

175g unsalted butter
175g golden syrup
175g light muscovado sugar
300g rolled oats
25g dried cranberries
25g dried blueberries
finely grated rind of 1/2 lemon

Notes: If you don't have light muscovado, a soft brown sugar would also work, but will make a slightly lighter flapjack.
Try to use good quality rolled oats - I find that some of the cheaper 'porridge oats' tend to be a bit dusty.
The dried blueberries and cranberries can usually be found with the raisins, sultanas etc in the supermarket. The ones I used are labelled 'dried and sweetened'. I haven't tried it with unsweetened berries, or fresh berries. I'd imagine that unwseetened blueberries might be OK, but cranberries are very tart. Although with all that sugar and syrup, that may not be such a bad thing. You could use all blueberries or all cranberries if you prefer, or another dried fruit such as raisins.
The lemon rind can be ommitted, but it helps to cut through the sweetness a little.

1. Preheat oven to 150C (140C for fan ovens). Line a square baking tin (about 25cm square, but slightly bigger or smaller is fine) with baking parchment
2. Melt the butter, then brush a little of this on the baking paper before adding the syrup and sugar to the butter in the pan and warming until the sugar dissolves.
3. Remove from the heat and stir in the rest of the ingredients.
4. Put the mixture in the tin and squash down a little to level the surface.
5. Bake for about 35-40 minutes until golden brown. The mixture will still be a bit sticky and bubbly-looking, but this will set once it's out of the oven.
6. Leave in the tin for 15 minutes or so, then remove and cut into squares.

Couldn't be easier!