Hey Truckies!

Hello Catoosa, Oklahoma! We're live bloggin from the site of the Blue Whale.

Fish me a Wish Soup
That's one big fish!

It's plenty hot out right here. And a nice cool dip in the pool might help.

But our Food Truck crew have cooked up a better idea to cool you down.

Today, our award winning crew is serving up a Tex/Mex delight, but with our own secret ingredient.
Soooooo Truckies, let's get Kold.

Let's do this guys.

Chop one at a time in the food processor; course, not puree. We like it chunky.

Do a basic chop and then throw into the processor. Then plop into a big bowl.

4 or 5 Roma Tomatoes cut in half and seeded; remove the skin if you prefer.

1 medium Red Onion.  2 Red Bell Peppers; seeded.

! English or regular Cucumber; sliced and seeded.  2 or 3 gloves of Garlic; minced.

1 Jalapeno  Pepper sliced and seeded. Don't like it hot, skip it.

1/2 cup of EVOO  1/4 cup of balsamic Vinegar.

1-3 cups of Tomato Juice.  Some Black Pepper and Cumin.

And introducing our D's Diner Food Truck Secret Ingredient:

Slice into small chunks some Country Ham . Fry it up and add to the brew.

Place in the fridge to chill.

Plate it and add some grilled or toasted Garlic Bread.

Basil to garnish.

Chill out! Thar ya be Truckies.