The Isthmus of Meatloaf
The Ethos of Gravy

A “Blue Plate Special, please”

A “Thank you Poof; well what do we have here?”

D “I’m thinking; a model of the universe?”

A “Yes and no, dear”

A “I’m thinking; great minds, great land masses, and great gravy”

A “Gravy is like Primordial Soup; the stuff of continuity”

A “It leads mankind out of the darkness and into the light of truth”

Zoey “Tastes good too”

A “But, with infinite complacency, men go to and fro over this globe...”

A “...about their little affairs, serene in their assurance...”

A “...of their empire over matter”

Zoey “And meatloaf”

Poof “I like it on French Fries”

A “More gravy please”