Junk Food
Hey Truckies...

This is Dr. Nefario here, remote bloggin from Hackberry, Arizona.

I slipped away from the Food Truck to show you how we do it downtown; actually in the dessert.

My backpack is stocked with everything I need to cook up some amazing Campfire Chili.

And I set up right here at the Hackberry General Store. This place is awesome!
Let's do this !

Campfire Chili:

Build yourself a nice campfire. You're gonna need a Dutch Oven, a Mess Kit, and some cooking tools.

Can of Black Beans
Can of Tomato Sauce
Box of Chili fixins; store bought or homemade
Steak or homemade Lo Tack Beef Jerky
Green or Red Pepper chopped
Red Onion chopped
Fresh Thyme

Brown up yer beef
Saute veggies
Mix it, Slo cook it, Plate it
Top with Cheese Please and garnish with Fresh Basil

Beer or Wine
Beer is dear; but Wine is Divine!

I chose a French Pinot Noir.

Thar ya be, Pilgrims.