Hey Truckies,

Long, long before "Origin of Species," the great minds pondered the ultimate conundrum:

Where did life on earth come from?

That was until 65 years ago, when some researchers from Johns Hopkins University happened upon a discovery that would change everything; utterly and forever!


As the scientists gazed into the vat of magic stuff, they realized that it was the "Primordial Soup" of life on this planet:

Make no mistake, Pilgrims...

This sauce rocks!
Let's do this !!!
Primordial Soup Dog

You can concoct your own sauce, but being the official dealership for Rufus Teague's sauces ("It's damn good), we chose to reimagine this brand.

"Reimagine," such a great word; means so much, says so little.

The D's Diner Food Truck gang is going to share our secret sauce with you. Please don't tell anyone else.
Onions, coarsley chopped.

Drop a glob of Plugra (Preferred by leading chefs)
into a saute pan...

and saute.
Transfer the onions to a sauce pan and add copious amounts of the "Honey Sweet" sauce; and anything else that suits your fancy.

Cover and keep at "warm" temp on the stove.

Brew for about 4 years; or if you are in a hurry, mmmm...

maybe 4 minutes.

Thar ya be Hot Diggity Dog lovers!

Where ever you are, there is a Hot Dog Annie's right around the corner from you. People line up for these simple delights because it reminds them; or helps them imagine what life used to be like; "back in the day." Before all the formula restaurants covered the North American landscape, we had Annie's.

You can love fine dining and still be decadent once in a while...it's allowed!