Saucisse aux petits pois
A “On December 4, 1872, a merchant ship which came to be known as the “Mary Celeste” was found adrift at sea”

A “Her crew had disappeared without explanation”

A “The ship was found in perfect, seaworthy condition, less one lifeboat”

A “The weather was perfect and there has never been a creditable explanation for what led to the disappearance of the crew”

A “The Mary Celeste was built at Spencer’s Island, Nova Scotia in 1861”

A “When it was found adrift at sea, the interior of the ship was proper order and undisturbed. A ghost ship!”

Zoey “What’s a ghost?”

Poof “Oh Ari...”

A “Yes, Poof”

Poof “What does a ghost ship story have to do with Sausage and Peas?”

A “That was the last recorded meal in the ship’s log”

D “Hmmmm...interesting”

Zoey “They should have had pasta”

From my 1929 New Delineator Recipe book under “French Recipes”...

Cut up and fry sausage. Remove excess grease.

Add flour and water to make a gravy.

Throw in peas and 4 eggs.

Cook or bake.

I added a Bay Leaf to kick it up a bit.

Wine and a Baguette of course

Poof "Ari, do you think they felt the gentle carees of the fog upon their faces?"

Ari "Yes, Poof

Poof "I flew over the sea with them"