Hey Truckies,

We're in NOLA for a collaboration poject with "Dat Dog;" rated one of the top 10 hot dog joints in the USA!

For this dog, we're using a little bit of "D's and Dat."
Quack "Look, there's a party going on back there"
Quack "This party is awesome!"

Jupiter "Is that Wonder Woman over there drinking Bubbles Water?"

Poof "Ya, I used to fly with her around Grand Manan Island"

D "Looks like she's about to fly right now"

Let's Do this...

The Ugly Hot Dog

We wanted to contribute something New England to the Dat Dog Restaurant.

And combine it with some of their styles too.

An Onion Roll
And from Maine, "Red" hot dogs.

Cut up the Ugly Tomato, slice; and remove seeds and pulp.
Cut it up into chunks.

Prepare some Sweet Potato Fries. Mix in a bowl with a touch of EVOO and some alive Rosemary and Thyme.

At the Table...

Dat Dog's famous "explode your head chili sauce."
Pass at your own risk.

Spicy brown Mustard.
Poof "Look at that Ugly Tomato; it's so cute"

Sophia "A Tech Vest for a tomato"