In the early 19th. century, a tall ship was cautiously navigating its' way around Newfoundland.

Ever careful watch had to be maintained to avoid a collision with an iceberg that would spell certain disaster.

One young sailor on lookout duty on the deck was scanning both near and far for any sign of an iceberg.

Suddenly, he spotted an object floating very near to the ship.

It came closer and closer to the ship until the sailor realized she was a Mermaid.

He was instantly beguiled by her magic. But something else caught his eye.

Her tail was covered with thousands of brightly colored sparkles.

It seemed like there must have been ten thousand colors.

This is how the city of St. Johns, Newfoundland came to be called "The City of Ten Thousand Colors."
Hey Truckies...

We're here on Fogo Island, Newfoundland at one of the
most elegant inns around the world.

Sophia "Wow, this place is really fancy, do you think they want our hot dogs here?"

Ari "Of course, everyone loves hot dogs!"

Jupiter "Look at those thingies hanging down from the ceiling."

Zoey "Looks like pasta."

Poof "Looks like worms."

Quack "Looks like me ex"

All "Eweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Let's do this...

Hot Dog of 10,000 Colors

Grab some amazing peppers...

Orange Blaze
Yellow Bell
Sweet Italian
Red Bell

And a sweet onion.
Slice everything.

Saute the onion with crushed red peppers.

Reduce the heat to low and add all the other veggies.

The layers...

Grinder wheat bun
Grey Poupon
A couple Brats
All the veggies.
Thar ya be, islanders; watch out for that iceberg moon pie!